Brief About Us
Vani Commercials Limited (VCL) was set up in 1988. It is a Non Deposit Accepting Non-Systematically Important Non-Banking Finance Company (ND-NSI-NBFC) registered with Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and is listed on BSE Limited. We take pride in recognizing the fact that in a short period of time we have made significant disbursements fuelling the economy and help build enterprises. With a firm hold in the Wholesale Lending space, VCL has now forayed into lending to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). Our present product range includes – loans for Purchase of Equipment and Machinery, Working Capital loans, loans for Business or Capacity expansion, Term Loans against Property, loans for Purchase of Commercial Property, e-vehicles and Lease Rental Discounting.
Mr. Vishal Abrol is the Managing Director of the Company. He is an experienced businessman having exposure of around 10 years in financial and lending business. He is also acting as Non-Executive Director in Boolean Ventura Private Limited and Gee Bee Card & Financial Services Private Limited.
Mr. Shubham Arora is a Non-Executive Independent Director of the Company. He is the Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Stakeholder Relationship Committee of the Board of the Company.
He is also acting as Director in Slamdunk Services Private Limited.
He is an Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) and holds a vast experience of around 15 years in legal advisory services and corporate laws.
Mr. Pranay Kumar Tayal is a Non-Executive Independent Director and also the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board of the Company.
He is also acting as Director in Smart Energy 111 Techmobil India Private Limited.
He is an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and holds a vast experience of around 6 years in financial modelling and sustainability advisory to various startups.
Mr. Gaurav Malhotra is a Non-Executive Independent Director of the Board of the Company and is having more than 10 years of experience in finance industry and has tie ups with various banking and financial institutions.
He is also acting as Director in MG Electrical Vehicle Private Limited and GGM Future Drive Private Limited.
Mrs. Ishita Jindal is a Non-Executive Independent Director of the Board of the Company.
She is a seasoned Product Manager with 7+ years of experience in the fintech and tech-driven industries. She combines expertise in product development, user research, and data-driven decision-making to deliver impactful solutions.
She has a range of experiences with specialization in data analytics, product management, financial analysis and artificial intelligence.
Constitution of the Board of Directors
Name |
Designation |
Category |
Executive/Non-Executive |
Mr. Vishal Abrol |
Managing Director |
Professional |
Executive |
Mr. Gaurav Malhotra |
Director |
Independent |
Non-Executive Independent |
Mr. Shubham Arora |
Director |
Independent |
Non-Executive Independent |
Mr. Pranay Kumar Tayal |
Director |
Independent |
Non-Executive Independent |
Mrs. Ishita Jindal | Director | Independent | Non-Executive Independent |
Constitution of the Audit Committee
Name |
Designation |
Category |
Mr. Pranay Kumar Tayal |
Chairman |
Non-Executive Independent Director |
Mr. Shubham Arora |
Member |
Non-Executive Independent Director |
Mr. Vishal Abrol | Member | Executive Director |
Constitution of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Name |
Designation |
Category |
Mr. Shubham Arora |
Chairman |
Non-Executive Independent Director |
Mr. Pranay Tayal |
Member |
Non-Executive Independent Director |
Mr. Gaurav Malhotra | Member | Non-Executive Independent Director |
Constitution of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee
Name |
Designation |
Category |
Mr. Shubham Arora |
Chairman |
Non-Executive Independent Director |
Mr. Pranay Kumar Tayal |
Member |
Non-Executive Independent Director |
Mr. Vishal Abrol |
Member |
Executive Director |
Key Managerial Personnel
Name |
Designation |
Mr. Vishal Abrol |
Managing Director |
Ms. Tejasvi |
Chief Financial Officer |
Ms. Ishita Agarwal |
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer |
Listing Information
The share capital of the Company is listed with BSE Limited.
ISIN Details
The electronic connectivity of the Company is established with National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL). The ISIN allotted to the Company is INE661Q01017.
For assistance and/or grievance redressal, please contact :
Ms. Ishita Agarwal
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Email : ,
Phone : +91-9560066230