Securities Market Approach for Resolution Through Online Dispute Resolution (SMART ODR)
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide its Circular dated 31st July, 2023 (Updated as on 20th December, 2023), had announced the introduction of a common Online Dispute Resolution Portal (“ODR Portal”), whereby the existing dispute resolution mechanism in the Indian securities market is being streamlined under the aegis of Stock Exchanges and Depositories (collectively referred to as Market Infrastructure Institutions (MIIs)), by expanding their scope and by establishing a common ODR Portal which harnesses online conciliation and online arbitration for resolution of disputes arising in the Indian Securities Market.
The complete Master Circular dated 31st July, 2023 and Circular dated 20th December, 2023 for Amendment to Circular dated July 31, 2023 on Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities issued by SEBI, can be accessed by clicking on below mentioned links:
Master Circular dated 31st July, 2023
Amendment to Circular dated 31st July, 2023- 20th December, 2023
The ODR Portal named “SMART ODR” can be accessed through the URL:
SEBI Circular dated September 20, 2023 explains in detail the mechanism for invoking Redressal of investor grievances through the SEBI Complaint Redressal (SCORES) Platform and linking it to Online Dispute Resolution platform. You can access the SEBI Circular here.